Model 231

The company adopts Model 231 and has trained its employees on the topic of conflict of interest through training courses and learning assessment questionnaires.

Code of ethics

The Code of Ethics identifies general principles and rules of conduct. It is a tool of business ethics with the aim of disseminating the standards of behaviour underlying the activities carried out.


The organisational architecture of sustainability.



The Digital Value Group is committed to improving the quality of its products and services, optimizing business processes in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

UNI/PdR 125

Gender equality management system: UNI/PdR 125

UNI/PdR 125 is an Italian reference practice that provides guidelines for the implementation of a management system for gender equality in organizations. It sets out criteria for assessing and certifying corporate policies to promote gender equality, including aspects such as pay equity, career opportunities and diversity management, Helping to create inclusive and sustainable working environments.

The certified companies of the Group: Eurolink S.r.l., Infordata S.p.A. and Technis Blu S.p.A.

ISO 9001

Quality certification: ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is the world-wide recognised reference standard for quality management with the aim of improving business performance.

The certified companies of the Group: Dimira S.r.l., Digital Value Managed Services S.r.l., Eurolink S.r.l., Infordata S.p.A., Italware S.r.l., ITD Solutions S.p.A., Technis Blu S.p.A. e TT Tecnosistemi S.p.A. SB.

EN 9100

Quality certification in the aerospace industry: EN 9100

EN 9100 is an international standard specific to quality management systems in the aerospace industry. Based on ISO 9001, it includes additional requirements to ensure the safety, quality and reliability of products and services in the aerospace industry, covering aspects such as risk management, Traceability and regulatory compliance to meet the needs of aerospace, military and defense companies.

The certified companies of the Group: Infordata S.p.A.

ISO 27001

Information security certification: ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is the world’s best-known standard for information security management systems. Certifies that a system has been put in place to manage the security risks of data held or managed by the company.

The certified companies of the Group: Dimira S.r.l., Digital Value Managed Services S.r.l., Eurolink S.r.l., Infordata S.p.A., Italware S.r.l., ITD Solutions S.p.A., technis Blu S.p.A. and TT Tecnosistemi S.p.A. SB.

ISO 27017

Information security certification: ISO 27017

ISO 27017 is an international standard that provides specific guidelines for information security in cloud services.

The certified companies of the Group: Eurolink S.r.l. and Infordata S.p.A.

ISO 27018

Information security certification: ISO 27018

ISO 27018 is an international standard providing guidelines for the protection of personal data (PII) in cloud services, ensuring that cloud service providers take appropriate measures to protect privacy and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

The certified companies of the Group: Eurolink S.r.l. and Infordata S.p.A.

ISO 27701

Information security certification: ISO 27701

ISO 27701 is an international standard that provides a framework for managing information privacy (PIMS). Helps organizations manage personal data and comply with privacy regulations, such as GDPR, by implementing controls to protect personal information.

The certified companies of the Group: Eurolink S.r.l. and Infordata S.p.A. 

ISO 14001

Environmental certification: ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is the internationally recognised standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS). Provides a framework for organisations to design and implement an EMS and continuously improve their environmental performance.

The certified companies of the Group: Dimira S.r.l., Digital Value Managed Services S.r.l., Eurolink S.r.l., Infordata S.p.A., ITD Solutions S.p.A., Technis Blu S.p.A. and TT Tecnosistemi S.p.A. SB.

ISO 14064

Carbon management policies: ISO 14064

ISO 14064 specifies the organisational principles and requirements for quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas emissions and removals (GHG) emissions and removals.

The certified companies of the Group: Italware S.r.l., TT Tecnosistemi S.p.A. SB.

ISO 37001

Certification anti-corruption management: ISO 37001

ISO 37001 specifies requirements and provides guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing and improving an anti-corruption management system.

The certified companies of the Group: Digital Value Managed Services S.r.l., Italware S.r.l. and ITD Solutions S.p.A, TT Tecnosistemi S.p.A. SB.

ISO 45001

Certification of health and safety in the workplace: ISO 45001

ISO 45001 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for a health and safety management system.

The certified companies of the Group: Eurolink S.r.l., Infordata S.p.A. and Italware S.r.l. and ITD Solutions S.p.A.

ISO 20000

Service management certification: ISO 20000

ISO 20000 certifies the IT services management system for the provision of hardware and software solutions to national/international private customers and Public Administration.

The certified companies of the Group: Eurolink S.r.l., Infordata S.p.A., Italware S.r.l., ITD Solutions S.p.A. and Technis Blu S.p.A.

ISO 20400

Certification sustainable procurement management: ISO 20400

ISO 20400:2017 provides guidance to organisations, regardless of their activity or size, on integrating sustainability into procurement as described in ISO 26000.

The certified companies of the Group: Italware S.r.l.

ISO 22301

Certification of business continuity management: ISO 22301

ISO 22301 is an international standard that provides the requirements for a business continuity management system (BCMS), helping organisations to plan, Establish and maintain processes to ensure resilience and the ability to continue operations during outages or crises, minimizing risks and downtime.

The certified companies of the Group: Eurolink S.r.l.

SA 8000

Social responsibility: SA 8000

The SA 8000 Social Responsibility Management System is a tool to provide guarantees to the market and especially to customers, that its products and/or services are made with respect for workers.

The certified companies of the Group: Eurolink S.r.l., Infordata S.p.A. and Italware S.r.l.

Sustainability Report

Publishing a Sustainability Report demonstrates the company’s commitment to social/environmental responsibility and demonstrates transparency and sharing accurate information, helping to build a solid and long-term reputation.

TT Tecnosistemi S.p.A. SB and the Infordata S.p.A., Eurolink S.r.l. and Technis Blu S.p.A. groups publish their annual Sustainability Report.